Honey bees create honey and beeswax, two naturally sourced substances that have helped humankind for thousands of years. In today's context, honey bees pollinate about 1/3rd of what we eat, and an estimated 80% of the world's crops depend on the honey bee to survive. Without the honey bee, our way of life on a global scale, would be fundamentally altered in ways we cannot yet fully fathom.A portion of the sales proceeds of this Cat Eye will be donated to Our company Founder introduced the "Cat Eye/Ranger Eye" in this hook and loop format around 24 years ago and has been designing them ever since. PDW makes the best in class. “Cat Eyes/Ranger Eyes” have been in use the US military for decades. Anyone who has ever used a helmet band or patrol cap knows what these are. They can be used in pairs or individually. Our Cat Eyes are a high grade of non-toxic, durable PVC. The hook backing allows the Cat Eye to be fixed to any loop swatches found on headwear, packs, plate carriers, webgear and more.